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  • MMA_scientist
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2009
    • 9857

    Originally posted by Luke
    I don't honestly understand it because I've paid little attention to the whole thing, but why won't it work? From my little understanding of it, isnt the government just giving a subsidy to people who can't afford insurance to help them pay for it?
    Im just guessing as guy who they need in the pool. You got a bunch of sick poor people who couldn;t get insurance before- so I was in an insurance pool with mostly healthy people. My insurance for my family runs about $250 per month. Under the ACA the CHEAPEST policy will be about $900 per month, which covers almost nothing. This is because the insurance company now needs to charge everyone more because they are going to be paying for sick people too. So they need some healthy people to pay and not use it to cover the sick people's costs. They lose money on the sick make money on the healthy. If the healthy people like me don't feel like paying 400% increases (I flat out won't pay $1000 per month for insurance, I will become mormon and join a religious co-op first), they will just lose money. The government subsidizes it so the insurance companies can collect the otherwise insanely high premiums. But eventually, they have to get healthy people who wil pay the full monte in there, or it is just losing money and the government trying to collect the rest through taxes. I will gladly pay the penalty to avoid paying those premiums and I assume every other person in my situation will do the same. Or they will find alternatives, like retiring and artificially lowering their incomes to get the subsidies. If I could retire now, I would and then let everyone else subsidize me like a lottery winner on food stamps because my "income" is low. I just think that no sane healthy person is going to pay the ridiculous premiums. I have heard it is worse in some states than others.

    I wish they would just go full socialist with it and collect it with taxes. Leaving the insurance companies in is going to ruin it, they aren't going to lose money, they never do. So someone has to pay, and it won't be me. That said, they can probably tweak it and make it work eventually. Just as it is now, I really don't think it will. That said, there is a lot there, so it may just be my initial reaction. I can promise you I won't pay those premiums though. I was shocked at how expensive it was. I thought it was going to go up like 30%, not quadruple in price.
    2012: +19.33
    2012 Parlay project: +16.5u


    • poopoo333
      MMA *********
      • Jan 2010
      • 18302

      Originally posted by Mr. IWS
      Best is 205.

      Max: 205
      Training Max: 185 (%s are based off of this)

      Week 1:

      Bench: 125x5, 140x5, 160xas many reps as possible, 5 sets of 5 @ 140 lbs
      Pause Bench: 3 sets of 5 @ 125 lbs
      100 Total Reps Chest (DB Bench, Incline DB Bench) ..pick whatever, can do both
      100 Total Reps Shoulders (DB military press, DB side laterals, DB front raises) ..pick whatever, can do them all
      200 Total Reps Triceps (there are a million different triceps movements that i'm sure you and him know)

      Week 2:

      Bench: 130x3, 150x3, 165xas many reps as possible, 5 sets of 5 @ 140 lbs
      Pause bench: 3 sets of 5 @ 130 lbs
      100 Total Reps Chest
      100 Total Reps Shoulders
      100 Total Reps Triceps

      Week 3:

      Bench: 140x5, 160x3, 175xas many reps as possible, 5 sets of 3 @ 160 lbs
      Pause bench: 3 sets of 5 @ 140 lbs
      100 Total Reps Chest
      100 Total Reps Shoulders
      100 Total Reps Triceps

      For the "total reps" just pick movements, do sets of whatever until he reaches 100 total reps for that body part.

      After week 3, start over at week 1, but add 5 pounds to each bench set, including pause bench sets for weeks 1-3.

      Do three of these 3 week cycles and test his max on week 10.

      I'm not sure how many days he lifts weights a week but a lot of back work will be beneficial too. Barbell rows, dumbbell rows, pull ups, pulldowns. A solid split for him would be something like this:

      Day 1: Bench
      Day 2: Back
      Day 3: Rest
      Day 4: Deadlift/Legs/Abs
      Day 5: Off
      Day 6: Squats/Legs/Abs
      Day 7: Rest

      Also have him eat a lot of food. Like an ethiopian that stumbled upon a buffet.

      If he has an "off season" for football I could probably write him up something that would get him way stronger/bigger/sexier for all lifts/nutrition recommendations and shit. No TRT needed.


      • Mr. IWS
        215 Hustler
        • Sep 2006
        • 97487

        Appreciate that homie! He is looking to put on another 20-30 lbs over the next 9 months, this should be a good start.

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        • Mr. IWS
          215 Hustler
          • Sep 2006
          • 97487

          Originally posted by MMA_scientist
          Im just guessing as guy who they need in the pool. You got a bunch of sick poor people who couldn;t get insurance before- so I was in an insurance pool with mostly healthy people. My insurance for my family runs about $250 per month. Under the ACA the CHEAPEST policy will be about $900 per month, which covers almost nothing. This is because the insurance company now needs to charge everyone more because they are going to be paying for sick people too. So they need some healthy people to pay and not use it to cover the sick people's costs. They lose money on the sick make money on the healthy. If the healthy people like me don't feel like paying 400% increases (I flat out won't pay $1000 per month for insurance, I will become mormon and join a religious co-op first), they will just lose money. The government subsidizes it so the insurance companies can collect the otherwise insanely high premiums. But eventually, they have to get healthy people who wil pay the full monte in there, or it is just losing money and the government trying to collect the rest through taxes. I will gladly pay the penalty to avoid paying those premiums and I assume every other person in my situation will do the same. Or they will find alternatives, like retiring and artificially lowering their incomes to get the subsidies. If I could retire now, I would and then let everyone else subsidize me like a lottery winner on food stamps because my "income" is low. I just think that no sane healthy person is going to pay the ridiculous premiums. I have heard it is worse in some states than others.

          I wish they would just go full socialist with it and collect it with taxes. Leaving the insurance companies in is going to ruin it, they aren't going to lose money, they never do. So someone has to pay, and it won't be me. That said, they can probably tweak it and make it work eventually. Just as it is now, I really don't think it will. That said, there is a lot there, so it may just be my initial reaction. I can promise you I won't pay those premiums though. I was shocked at how expensive it was. I thought it was going to go up like 30%, not quadruple in price.

          this whole obamacare shit is such a fuckin joke. Im with you, lets go socialist and call it a day.
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          • poopoo333
            MMA *********
            • Jan 2010
            • 18302

            Originally posted by Mr. IWS
            Appreciate that homie! He is looking to put on another 20-30 lbs over the next 9 months, this should be a good start.

            That program is all about slow and steady progress and continually beating your rep maxes each 3 week cycle. You can even keep running that cycle without testing his max for awhile..if he gets up to repping 185-190 5 times or so, he should definitely be beating 205.


            • Mr. IWS
              215 Hustler
              • Sep 2006
              • 97487

              Originally posted by poopoo333
              That program is all about slow and steady progress and continually beating your rep maxes each 3 week cycle. You can even keep running that cycle without testing his max for awhile..if he gets up to repping 185-190 5 times or so, he should definitely be beating 205.

              Cool man, Ill report back with his progress.
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              • Mr. IWS
                215 Hustler
                • Sep 2006
                • 97487

                Ill just leave this here.......

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                • Luke
                  10 year vet
                  • Oct 2006
                  • 30060

                  Originally posted by Mr. IWS

                  Why would anyone think that was a good idea?
                  2015 MMA BETTING CHAMP


                  • Luke
                    10 year vet
                    • Oct 2006
                    • 30060

                    Originally posted by MMA_scientist
                    Im just guessing as guy who they need in the pool. You got a bunch of sick poor people who couldn;t get insurance before- so I was in an insurance pool with mostly healthy people. My insurance for my family runs about $250 per month. Under the ACA the CHEAPEST policy will be about $900 per month, which covers almost nothing. This is because the insurance company now needs to charge everyone more because they are going to be paying for sick people too. So they need some healthy people to pay and not use it to cover the sick people's costs. They lose money on the sick make money on the healthy. If the healthy people like me don't feel like paying 400% increases (I flat out won't pay $1000 per month for insurance, I will become mormon and join a religious co-op first), they will just lose money. The government subsidizes it so the insurance companies can collect the otherwise insanely high premiums. But eventually, they have to get healthy people who wil pay the full monte in there, or it is just losing money and the government trying to collect the rest through taxes. I will gladly pay the penalty to avoid paying those premiums and I assume every other person in my situation will do the same. Or they will find alternatives, like retiring and artificially lowering their incomes to get the subsidies. If I could retire now, I would and then let everyone else subsidize me like a lottery winner on food stamps because my "income" is low. I just think that no sane healthy person is going to pay the ridiculous premiums. I have heard it is worse in some states than others.

                    I wish they would just go full socialist with it and collect it with taxes. Leaving the insurance companies in is going to ruin it, they aren't going to lose money, they never do. So someone has to pay, and it won't be me. That said, they can probably tweak it and make it work eventually. Just as it is now, I really don't think it will. That said, there is a lot there, so it may just be my initial reaction. I can promise you I won't pay those premiums though. I was shocked at how expensive it was. I thought it was going to go up like 30%, not quadruple in price.
                    Oh jesus, 900 a month for insurance? FUCK THAT SHIT!! Insurance is the biggest ripoff in the world. Sound like its just another program to support the worthless people of America just like welfare and food stamps.

                    I want to start setting at home, collect a free check, get free food, and free insurance. Sounds like the life
                    2015 MMA BETTING CHAMP


                    • MMA_scientist
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2009
                      • 9857

                      Originally posted by Luke
                      Oh jesus, 900 a month for insurance? FUCK THAT SHIT!! Insurance is the biggest ripoff in the world. Sound like its just another program to support the worthless people of America just like welfare and food stamps.

                      I want to start setting at home, collect a free check, get free food, and free insurance. Sounds like the life
                      Well, I really don't like insurance either, but understand that it is necessary. Right now, I have a $10k per person deductible, which is fine for me, because no one in my family is sick and I have the money to cover the deductible. This plan is not allowed under the ACA, because apparently it isn't good enough. So I have buy a "better" plan (one that has a $5k deductible, but doesn't cover as much after the deductible- AKA, a worse plan), and pay $900 per month. For something that I would say is equal to my plan now, it would be like $1300 per month. So, yeah, I'm not doing that.

                      I don't know that it is only for the worthless though. I mean, there are sick people out there that basically have to die if they don't have insurance. So in that regard, I like the idea of making hospitals treat people who are sick or dying (you can't go to the ER to get your cancer treatment), but the total cost is the problem. The cost of healthcare is too high overall, so it is making these insurance premiums ridiculous. I don't know. I need to stop talking about it, because I am debating politics on the internet (not really debating since svino is not here to represent the communist position).
                      2012: +19.33
                      2012 Parlay project: +16.5u


                      • Mr. IWS
                        215 Hustler
                        • Sep 2006
                        • 97487

                        Originally posted by Luke
                        Why would anyone think that was a good idea?
                        I was going to reply with the standard, only white people do that shit.
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                        • Mr. IWS
                          215 Hustler
                          • Sep 2006
                          • 97487

                          Originally posted by Luke
                          Oh jesus, 900 a month for insurance? FUCK THAT SHIT!! Insurance is the biggest ripoff in the world. Sound like its just another program to support the worthless people of America just like welfare and food stamps.

                          I want to start setting at home, collect a free check, get free food, and free insurance. Sounds like the life
                          My POS brother in law is living this live right now, and has for around 15 years now.

                          back around 1998 His then girlfriend, said that He left Her and their son, and She had no job, so they give her medical, food stamps and cash. These motherfuckers had 2 more kids in the mean time and get even more food stamps and cash now as well as medical for all 3 kids.

                          The entire time, He never left Her. He has a pretty decent job at the Gas Company, makes like 50k a year. All she has to do is go to the local welfare office and tell them the same story again and these dumb motherfuckers just re up her for another year.
                          Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter


                          • poopoo333
                            MMA *********
                            • Jan 2010
                            • 18302

                            Originally posted by Mr. IWS
                            My POS brother in law is living this live right now, and has for around 15 years now.

                            back around 1998 His then girlfriend, said that He left Her and their son, and She had no job, so they give her medical, food stamps and cash. These motherfuckers had 2 more kids in the mean time and get even more food stamps and cash now as well as medical for all 3 kids.

                            The entire time, He never left Her. He has a pretty decent job at the Gas Company, makes like 50k a year. All she has to do is go to the local welfare office and tell them the same story again and these dumb motherfuckers just re up her for another year.
                            WTF...brb doing that.


                            • Luke
                              10 year vet
                              • Oct 2006
                              • 30060

                              Does it make me a bad person that I root against my alma mater?
                              2015 MMA BETTING CHAMP


                              • Mr. IWS
                                215 Hustler
                                • Sep 2006
                                • 97487

                                Originally posted by Luke
                                Does it make me a bad person that I root against my alma mater?

                                LOL hell no!
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