View Full Version : Very Interesting Billy Walters Article

08-19-2015, 07:01 PM
A lot of you probably already know who Billy Walters is. For those who don't, he's probably the most successful sportsbettor of all time, or at least the most successful that has gained notoriety. I just ran across this really interesting ESPN article on him. Check it.


08-19-2015, 09:11 PM
Walter is a legend in the betting community, but sometimes I wonder if he has any common sense. Everything he's ever been investigated for, or charged, with could be avoided.

If he was smart, he would have moved to a country where all gambling is legal and just pay taxes. Instead, they are always watching him for everything. Eventually, they'll catch him making bets over the phone or money laundering and he's going to jail. The smartest thing for him to do would be retire.....if he has as much money as he says he does

08-20-2015, 11:05 AM
Here's what I'm not totally clear about and what I don't think the article made clear: Why do they keep investigating him? Is it just because he has a lot of money and a lot of it was acquired via gambling enterprises? Or is there some hard, solid evidence to warrant the suspicion?

It seems like after this long, with them bringing so many charges and nothing ever sticking, that they'd just quit fucking with him. I mean, at what point does it become harassment?

08-20-2015, 01:05 PM
Here's what I'm not totally clear about and what I don't think the article made clear: Why do they keep investigating him? Is it just because he has a lot of money and a lot of it was acquired via gambling enterprises? Or is there some hard, solid evidence to warrant the suspicion?

It seems like after this long, with them bringing so many charges and nothing ever sticking, that they'd just quit fucking with him. I mean, at what point does it become harassment?

Every time he calls a runner and tells them what to bet its a violation of the Wire Act, and they must think he's not paying enough taxes, so he's laundering the money somewhere. They wouldn't just harrass him for no reason. Its not illegal to bet or win a lot of money.

08-20-2015, 01:11 PM
It's a violation of the Wire Act just to say, "Hey, take that money I gave you and bet it on such-and-such team"?

08-20-2015, 01:13 PM
It's a violation of the Wire Act just to say, "Hey, take that money I gave you and bet it on such-and-such team"?

Lol, yep. That's why no Vegas casino takes bets over the phone.

Techinally, online betting isn't illegal....as long as you aren't caling the bets in

08-20-2015, 01:59 PM
Well there must be a loophole because they're never prosecuted him for that specifically.

08-20-2015, 02:44 PM
Well there must be a loophole because they're never prosecuted him for that specifically.

There's no loophole, it would just be hard to prove unless someone testified against him.

08-20-2015, 02:45 PM
Or they bugged his phone

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